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NECA Aliens

Board the Nostromo with Zavvi’s nail-biting range of NECA Aliens, bringing to life the dreaded Xenomorph in terrifyingly realistic fashion.

For any sci-fi horror fan, NECA Aliens are a no-brainer and will make for a great addition to your wider collection. And, at such a great price, this is the most affordable place to get started.

Horror At Its Most Horrifying

In the late ‘70s, director Ridley Scott turned the genre of horror upside down, introducing the iconic Xenomorph to the world.

This was a creature of primordial instinct, feeling no remorse and driven only to hunt down the unlucky crew members aboard the Nostromo.

One of these crew members was the famed Sigourney Weaver, who went on to star in multiple sequels, including Aliens, Alien 3, and Alien Resurrection.

NECA Aliens manage to capture the stylistic design of these apex predators, bringing to life the artistic vision of the creatures’ various appearances.

A Whole Universe Of NECA Aliens

Crafting new NECA Aliens action figures is a task requiring tremendous stamina. The universe of Aliens has so much history and lore, encompassing not just the main film franchise but a whole slew of spin-offs.

The series has grown into a multi-media behemoth, encompassing comic books, video games, and novels.

However, it is perhaps most recognised for its crossovers with the Predator franchise in the legendary ‘Alien vs. Predator’. This intense overlapping of worlds broadened the mythology of both series, inviting more sequels and prequels, such as Scott’s acclaimed origin film: Prometheus.

Start Your Journey Into The Great Beyond

Take on small step into an engrossing world of blood-curdling horror, and start assembling your NECA Aliens collection.

These are the perfect addition to any Aliens collection, featuring a range of highly detailed action figures and accessories, such as the dreaded facehugger.

What are you waiting for? All aboard, bold explorers!