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Zinc Scooters

Bunny hop into Zavvi UK’s wide range of Zinc scooters, and put your skills to the test with the coolest wheels available online. These are the ideal items for any and all adrenaline junkies, allowing you to conquer the outdoors and develop your road-racing abilities.

The Scooter Revolution

Created in 2009, Zinc Sports (an online retailer) specialises in the creation of modern scooters that are targeted towards both children and adults (ages two and above). They market themselves as the ‘UK’s number-one wheeled toy brand’, a title that they continually justify with the release of high-quality products.

In addition to their core product offerings, which consist of numerous scooters (both manual and electric), they also provide a broad selection of hoverboards, skates, bikes, and skateboards. This ensures that everyone can take to the streets with the freshest ride, regardless of personal preference. Each of these street vehicles comes in different shapes and sizes, sporting a unique aesthetic that will appeal to newcomers and veteran thrill seekers. Furthermore, there are loads of options to consider, so you don’t have to break the bank.

Select your price range, and enjoy the countless styles available, comprising multiple colours and designs. Zinc Sports provides scooters with unique functions and specialities, such as the ability to fold and to utilise an electric motor. Yes, electric scooters are all the rage, and daredevils around the world are jumping at the opportunity to purchase their own. (Keep in mind that these vehicles are not for use on roads or pavements.)

Wheel-Spinning Deals

Start browsing today to discover our huge line-up of Zinc scooters. We have loads of products on offer, all of which are inspired gifts for any upcoming occasion: birthdays, Christmases, and anything else on the calendar. Of course, don’t forget to treat yourself; with our extremely low prices, there’s no reason to hold back!