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Please note this product may have been discontinued

If you think you can crack the crystal maze, you’ll need our collection of official Crystal Maze merchandise to help you out!

The Crystal Maze was a British game show that first aired in 1990 and finished officially in1995. Its popularity has sparked several one-off-specials, such as Stephen Merchant’s Stand Up to Cancer celebrity edition in 2016. In 2017, the show returned to Channel 4hosted by Richard Ayoade, including both celebrity specials and regular contestant versions.

The game is centred around teams undertaking a series of challenges/games in various zones, collecting as many ‘time crystals’ as they can, before reaching the final challenge at the centre of the dome, in the"Crystal Dome". In each zone, the player’s task is either determined by a clear written message or by a cryptic clue that they must interpret, and the team has a set time limit to complete the task in that zone.

The show was so popular, that in 2016, a Crystal Maze Live Experience opened to the public, meaning that members of the public could undertake challenges in a replica of the game show's zones and challenges.

If you’re a fan of the show or want to attend a live experience in one of theU.K.’s largest cities, you’ll need to kit yourself out in our official Crystal Maze t shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts. Our collection features originally designed Crystal Maze clothing with the classic television series logo and iconic imagery.

The selection of hoodies, t shirts, and sweatshirts are available for men, women, and kids, and come in a range of sizesfromXSto5XL, so you’re sure to find the perfect fit. Celebrate this incredibleshow and wear a piece of broadcasting history.

Don’t miss out on our collection of original designs, created by our in-house team, and check out our collection today!