Friends Clothing

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Friends Clothing

We sensed it was you...

Looking for the best Friends clothing you can find? Not to worry, Zavvi UK has got you covered.

Whether you're looking for some comfortable clothes to chill out in and binge Friends for the tenth time this month (like us) or want to get some awesome gifts for your friends and family, we’ve got a huge range of attire for you to choose from.

Shipped straight from 15 Yemon Road, Yemen, our officially licensed Friends clothing is ready to spruce up your wardrobe. Yes, we are there for you!

Zavvi Aren’t On A Break!

Friends is an American television sitcom, created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman. It originally aired on NBC in 1994 — wow, how time flies.

Since making its debut, Friends has given us ten binge-worthy seasons of light-hearted comedy between an ensemble of six lovable friends living in New York City: Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, Ross, and Joey. They are all very different characters, but their dynamic has no equal.

Across these many seasons of sensational television, Friends has undoubtedly become one of the most quoted shows on Earth. Get ready to keep those one-liners coming with our Friends clothing, sporting prints of all your favourite quotes and comedy moments.

However, be warned that you’ll be humming the award-winning sitcom’s catchy theme song, ‘I’ll be there for you’ by the Rembrandts, for years to come.

A Comedy Classic

The last episode of Friends aired on May 6th, 2004, yet it remains one of the most watched sitcoms of all time. If you’re worried about the show going out of fashion... well, don’t be — it’s timeless.

Browse our Friends clothing today, featuring unique art prints of recognisable faces, places, and logos, including Central Perk and the star-studded cast.

We might not sell paper, snow, or ghosts, but our Friends clothing page is always on hand!