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Junji Ito Merchandise

Experience the complete works of one of the most influential manga artists of all time with Zavvi UK’s wide range of Junji Ito merchandise. All of our products are officially licensed and certifiably chilling.

If you know someone with a soft spot for the horror mangaka (a Japanese term for ‘comic artist’), this is the perfect place to find those birthday and Christmas gifts. Start browsing today, and expand your collection of manga and anime. We have loads of exclusive offers for to enjoy, ensuring you don’t overspend.

A Legendary Mangaka

Junji Ito is one of the most popular mangakas in the industry, renowned for his ability to craft excellent horror stories. He began his journey into the world of horror during his early youth, submitting his first short story to Gekken Halloween in 1987.

For those unfamiliar with Ito, his work is a mix of body horror, detailed pictures, and cosmic terror. In recent years, he has become a legendary name amongst horror and manga fans.

His portfolio boasts over 50 classic manga books, responsible for such series as Uzamaki, Remina, Tomie, Frankenstein, No Longer Human, Gyo, Hanging Balloons, The Long Dream, and Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu — to provide a small sample.

Prior to becoming a mangaka, Ito spent a portion of his adult life as a dental hygienist. Like most creatives, he juggled his professional life and passion for manga.

Shockingly Good Deals

No manga or anime collection is complete without taking a deep dive into the world of this esteemed mangaka. Thankfully, we’ve got tons of Junji Ito merchandise for you to purchase.