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Country And Folk Albums

In the mood for a masterclass in lyrical perfection? Build your vinyl soundtrack collection today with Zavvi UK’s wide range of country and folk albums.

Here you will find the most popular solo artists and bands in the music industry, bringing to life the likes of Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Paul Simon, and Brothers Osborne — to name a few.

Start browsing, and check out our exclusive offers on country and folk albums, including massive discounts and multi-buy deals!

The Best In The Business

Tired of the same-old digital format? Well then, you’re in the right place. MP3s fail to provide the physical component of musical enjoyment, but vinyl records have it all — open it up, prepare the record player, and watch the record spin for hours on end.

Step away from the glow of your phones, and enjoy the visual sensations of our country and folk albums across a variety of artistic sleeves. Decorated in designs both retro and modern, you will find yourself glued to your collection like a country musician to their fiddle.

Once you’re done admiring the merchandise, let the tracks spin, and enjoy all your favourite albums: Boom Chicka Boom by Johnny Cash, Skeletons by Brothers Osborne, Graceland by Paul Simon, and more.

This is the perfect opportunity to begin (or expand) your vinyl collection, capturing the sound of music like never before!

Discounts That Will Make You Sing

Shape your music collection to reflect your tastes, and take in the spectacle of having your shelf lined with dozens — if not hundreds — of the greatest country and folk albums.

What’s the hold up, music lovers? Dive into a world of spectacular talent with our vast selection of products. We are constantly updating this page with new releases, so you don’t want to miss out!