The raunchy sequel to 2015’s 50 Shades of Grey has landed in Cinemas. With this breakout hit dominating at the box office, and critics have finally got a firm grasp on the sequel. The 50 Shades Darker Review circuit has not been kind to the film, leaving the film with a flaccid Rotten Tomatoes score of just 9%. We have rounded up some of the best reviews to see if 50 Shades Darker has left critics hot or cold. This hotly anticipated sequel originally started ooff as fanfiction of the Twilight series, but soon turned into a huge juggernaut of a franchise. With a sequel currently slated for 2018, work on another ‘Fifty Shades’ film has already begun. Take a look at the latest steamy trailer for 50 Shades Darker here.
Supposedly lacking chemistry between the two leads (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) fail to capture the romance between the pair as seen in the bestselling book series. Featuring gratuitous scenes of nudity and highly promiscuous situations, The 50 Shades series sells itself on setting up a story where Dakota Johnson’s character explores a different side of relationships, sex and romance. Criticised for its representation of abusive relationships, will the 50 Shades Darker reviews put our mind at ease when it comes to the sequel? Here is our 50 Shades Darker Review Roundup.
“There’s one significant problem with both Fifty Shades movies that’s impossible to ignore. Dornan is just a dud” – TIME
” It’s glossy and at times goofily funny, mostly thanks to Johnson’s subtle comic skills, but the novelty of this messy relationship is really beginning to wear off.” – EMPIRE
“It’s a female-driven fantasy, for sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s not toxic. And God help the poor woman who believes it.” – The AV Club
“Fifty Shades will make you dumber” – The New York Post
“And yet, for all its structural and psychological deficiencies, it’s hard not to enjoy “Fifty Shades Darker” on its own lusciously limited terms.” –Variety
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