Following the success of The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel and Disney have continued their partnership with Japanese company Square-Enix by announcing a multi-game deal starting with The Avengers Project game, developed by Crystal Dynamics in Eidos Montreal. The studio that produced such titles as Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Rise of the Tomb Raider have started on what is possibly their biggest project to date, this Avengers game is set to be tonally dark, as the trailer below suggests.
From what we can see from the trailer, it seems that The Avengers are all in a pretty bad spot. We see the ruins of Captain America’s shield covered in dirt, Iron Man’s arm, and Thor’s hammer all ridden in debris. These characters are just the start of what we expect to be the start of further character teases. We assume that this universe will run parallel to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and won’t tie in with the ‘Infinity Gauntlet’ story that the films are currently weaving. The Avengers Project Game, as well as Square and Marvel’s partnership, isn’t entirely surprising if we dig a little big deeper into video-game history.
Famously, Marvel’s parent company Disney has worked with Japanese Developer Square-Enix in creating the Kingdom Hearts series, with the most recent release being Kingdom Hearts 2.8. The critically acclaimed Tetsuya Nomura is currently directing the third mainline entry in the Kingdom Hearts series. While we’ve only seen a short glimpse of what Square-Enix’s western studios are cooking up, it’s safe to say that we’re all excited about the prospect of an Avengers game by such a well-acclaimed studio. It’s worth noting that the Batman Arkham series was first developed within Eidos by Rocksteady, before being bought by Square, with Rocksteady continuing development of the series in-house with Warner. An Avengers game seems incredibly exciting, as it has the potential for you to play as the world’s most famous superheroes.
When is The Avengers Game coming out?
Unfortunately, Square-Enix has stated that there will be no further details on The Avengers Project game until 2018 despite announcing it in January 2017. It’s possible with their recent release, Rise of the Tomb Raider, that this is the next game that the award-winning team will be working on next.
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