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Fight Club
Customer Reviews
Fight Club Customer Reviews
RRP: £21.99
Save: £11.00

Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Zavvi.
5This film ticks all of the boxes. Fincher, Pit, Norton, Carter are all astounding. The original material from Chuck Palahniuk was rich and has been threaded through movie magic, though the books ending was changed. In fact the only reason not to see this film is that you don't like a little violence. Well...Some violence. And maybe a bit more violence.
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Fight Club
4Great movie. Well worth getting on Blu-ray as the images and sound are superb.
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A Modern Classic
5Fight Club is an extraordinary film filled with twists and turns, and some very thought provoking ideas. It's complemented by amazing performances by Pitt, Norton, and the whole cast. Another exceptional movie by David Fincher.
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Operation Chaos
5Finally got this on Blu-ray, and boy what a real treat it is to watch this brilliant movie on Blu-ray, leaves all previous versions standing still. I got a small comical shock at the start when I loaded the disc: Never Been Kissed (those that have seen it know what i mean), thought the cashier had given me the wrong disc. There's also spliced frames added to the movie like Tyler Durden does in his cinema job, brilliant, just brilliant. Video is Absolutely superb, this movie got one hell of a makeover, could not fault a single area, the blacks are superb, the colors vibrant, truly a classic.
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5Still one of the most underrated movies ever. It is finally starting to garner the respect it deserves. It's time just had to come. Like Blade Runner and Apocalypse Now, it was ahead of it's time. I've got to say it is one of the best movies I've ever seen, there's just a certain atmosphere about the whole movie. Definitely in my top 10...
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Fight Club
5The first rule of film review club is talk about fight club ! This is an iconic film, a legacy of the 90's and arguably its greatest film. Brad Pitt, Edward Norton & Helena Bonham Carter all play fantastic parts to perfection, helping to create an awesome movie. Some films you can watch over & over, but very rarely do you find one which actually gets better the more you watch and this is one. The story is clever and addictive but they end is pure genius and you will enjoy it no matter how many times you watch. The blu-ray transfer seems to have taken forever to get here but it was well worth the wait. The picture is sharper and crisper allowing you to see every detail, EVERY DETAIL ! the sound track is crystal clear and excellent. Your going to love this I promise, leave a review too when you have seen it and prove me right or wrong for others.
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Fight Club Customer Reviews
RRP: £21.99
Save: £11.00
