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Studio Ghibli Soundtracks And Vinyl Records

Studio Ghibli are most well-known for their incredible range of Japanese animated movies. But anyone who has seen any of their library of content will, likewise, attest to the magnificence of their soundtracks.

Complementing the high-quality artistry and masterful storytelling, Studio Ghibli music is one of a kind, combining a range of traditional orchestral sounds with its own unique flavour.

As such, Zavvi is proud to present our complete product line-up of Studio Ghibli soundtracks, available now across our competitive offers.

Studio Ghibli Soundtrack Composers

Studio Ghibli music has featured various composers throughout its decade-spanning history, including such talents as Joe Hisaishi, of whom boasts over 100 credits across his successful career.

With work to his name such as Princess Mononoke, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Spirited Away, Hisaishi masterfully managed to capture the ‘spirit’ of these films, elevating them to new heights and adding a spectrum of emotion for audiences to empathise with.

Both haunting and inspiring, there are few animated films out there that come close to replicating Studio Ghibli soundtracks and the hypnotic allure of their ambience.

Complete Your Studio Ghibli Soundtrack Collection

The best format to own Studio Ghibli music is vinyl—of that there is little doubt. And we are fully prepared with our great roster of soundtracks, bringing you only the greatest quality sound for listeners to become entranced in.

If you want to revisit these worlds in the format of audio, this is the best way to do it. Or if you know someone who loves these films as much as you do, consider buying them a gift that is sure to make their day, month, and maybe even year.