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Virgin Experience Days

Are you searching for an inspired gift for an upcoming occasion? Start browsing Zavvi UK’s selection of Virgin Experience Days, and discover a wide range of unique alternatives to traditional presents: driving, photoshoots, tours, dining, skydiving, workshops, augmented reality, sports, getaways, and more.

The Adventure Begins

Founded by two aviation enthusiasts, Virgin Experience Days were invented so that everyone would have the opportunity to try piloting their own aircraft. Over several decades, the scope of the idea expanded, and their offerings now encompass more than 3,000 experiences. Gift givers are spoilt for choice, provided with a myriad of options to pick for their intended recipient.

Traditionally, people’s first instinct is to purchase a physical item for their friends and family on Christmas, Easter, and birthdays. However, hoarding random knick-knacks seldom has a lasting effect. Years pass, and what was once a pleasant surprise has become the next item destined for the tip. Experiences, on the other hand, can leave a lasting effect, something that you look back on with fondness and reminisce about when gathering with loved ones.

Pick from the hallmarks of a conventional British day out, or choose something slightly more extravagant: relaxing on a spa day, driving a sports car, treating your tastebuds to some fine dining, ascending in a hot air balloon, learning a new skill at a specialist workshop, or parachuting from a plane — amongst others. Virgin has scoured the far corners of our tiny island to uncover the best experiences to try, some of which are hosted by small independent businesses with their own world-class services and heartfelt stories.

A Worthy Gift

If you’re on the fence about what gift you should invest your hard-earned money into, our selection of Virgin Experience Days will help you make up your mind. Choose your price range, and prepare to make memories that will last a lifetime.