Sam Moore

Sam Moore

Sam Moore is a freelance culture writer for a number of publications including The Guardian, Daily Telegraph and Metro. You can find him on Twitter @sam_moore95.

Michael Bay's USA: How His Films Expose Modern America


Michael Bay's USA: How His Films Expose Modern America

As his latest movie Ambulance hits UK cinemas, we dive into how Michael Bay’s filmography has continually exposed the state of modern America.

2022-03-22 14:57:07By Sam Moore

True Romance: How Scott And Tarantino Were A Match Made In Heaven


True Romance: How Scott And Tarantino Were A Match Made In Heaven

To celebrate the release of Arrow Video's gorgeous restoration of True Romance, we look at how Tony Scott and Quentin Tarantino were a match made in heaven.

2021-07-19 14:20:45By Sam Moore