Garrett Eberhardt

Garrett Eberhardt

Lover of art-house films, sucker for good cinematography, and collector of steelbooks. Garrett Eberhardt is a freelance critic and founder of CinemaBabel, based in Washington.

Oscars 2020: Why Joker Should Win Best Picture


Oscars 2020: Why Joker Should Win Best Picture

Continuing our series looking at the nominees for Best Picture, we take a look at Todd Phillip's film Joker, the first R-rated film to gross over $1 billion at the box office.

2020-01-31 15:24:56By Garrett Eberhardt

Zavvi's Best Films Of The Decade: Her


Zavvi's Best Films Of The Decade: Her

Spike Jonze's beloved sci-fi romance tackles love and where human connection may be headed in the era of advanced technology and social media.

2019-12-06 17:47:39By Garrett Eberhardt

The Midsommar Director's Cut Highlights Ari Aster's Knack for Visual Storytelling


The Midsommar Director's Cut Highlights Ari Aster's Knack for Visual Storytelling

The Director's Cut reiterates what a talent Aster is, how capably the actors performed, and how great the film is overall.

2019-09-06 15:37:56By Garrett Eberhardt