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The Best of Bill Murray

The Best of Bill Murray
Team Zavvi
Zavvi.com9 years ago
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What is it that makes Bill Murray, the legendary US actor and comedian, so damn funny?

Having successfully bridged the gap between his 80’s screwball comedies and his regular appearances in Wes Anderson capers, Bill Murray’s films have almost universal appeal.

Of course, Murray’s signature deadpan delivery has a lot to do with it. So much so, in fact, that his public appearances often make him come across as “a kind of wandering, perpetual performance artist, everywhere and nowhere, wherever the wind or spirit carries him: indie movies, golf tournaments, college frat parties, your karaoke booth right now’, according to Brett Martin at GQ.

Entire websites and subreddits have been set up around the many apocryphal sightings of Murray in the wild – randomly joining people playing sports in the park, buying people rounds of drinks, generally photo-bombing life. This public persona has also begun to be mirrored in his appearances on-screen, especially when playing minor characters in an Anderson film.

Here’s a selection of our favorite Bill Murray moments, from films and the real world, to celebrate our unveiling of the Zavvi exclusive limited edition Ghostbusters 2 Steelbook:

Space Jam – ‘I don’t play defense!’:


Coffee & Cigarettes – ‘Delirium…that might be my problem’

Graham Norton Show – ‘Do you have a curfew?’:


Bill crashes a bachelor party:


Ghostbusters – ‘Important safety tip, thanks’:


What are your favorite Bill Murray moments? let us know in the comments below!

Featured Image Source: David Shankbone

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