Zoe Crombie

Zoe Crombie

Zoe is a member of the OAFFC and GALECA with three loves: Studio Ghibli, the Marx Brothers, and camp horror. Ultimately though, she’ll happily watch any film while eating a bowl of spaghetti.

To Pixar And Beyond: The Evolution Of Their Transformation Stories


To Pixar And Beyond: The Evolution Of Their Transformation Stories

With Turning Red about to hit Disney+, we reflect on Pixar's long history of metamorphosis stories, and how they've evolved over the years.

2022-03-08 09:25:43By Zoe Crombie

Animal Crossing At 20: How It Started A Quiet Revolution In Gaming


Animal Crossing At 20: How It Started A Quiet Revolution In Gaming

With the original Animal Crossing game celebrating its 20th anniversary, here's how the chilled out classic quietly revolutionised the world of gaming.

2021-04-13 16:52:45By Zoe Crombie

Conker’s Bad Fur Day: A Celebration Of The Hilariously Crude Cult Classic


Conker’s Bad Fur Day: A Celebration Of The Hilariously Crude Cult Classic

It's been 20 years since Rare changed the gaming industry with the release of their game Conker's Bad Fur Day - a hilariously crude adventure that instantly became a cult classic.

2021-03-03 16:09:43By Zoe Crombie

The Real Life Legend Of Zelda (NES) 35 Years On


The Real Life Legend Of Zelda (NES) 35 Years On

Celebrating the 35th anniversary of The Legend Of Zelda on NES, we look at how the game became legendary in real life too with its emphasis on freedom and exploration.

2021-02-17 16:12:35By Zoe Crombie

Majora’s Mask: Celebrating The Most Impactful Zelda Game 20 Years On


Majora’s Mask: Celebrating The Most Impactful Zelda Game 20 Years On

With Majora's Mask celebrating its 20th anniversary today, we look at why it is the dark horse of the Zelda franchise, and also the most impactful.

2020-10-26 13:03:26By Zoe Crombie