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July 2019 ZBOX Revealed: Invasion


July 2019 ZBOX Revealed: Invasion

From a mad scientist and his fretful grandson to a terrifying xenomorph, the July ZBOX includes merchandise from your favourite franchises with an invasion theme.

2019-07-29 12:31:43By Emily Murray

June 2019 ZBOX Revealed: Suit Up


June 2019 ZBOX Revealed: Suit Up

From a dashing secret agent to the man of steel, the June ZBOX has merchandise from your favourite franchises which feature both heroes and villains suited up.

2019-06-14 21:44:30By Emily Murray

June ZBOX Revealed: Fantasy & Fiction


June ZBOX Revealed: Fantasy & Fiction

Lift the lid on wonderful worlds of Fantasy & Fiction with our June ZBOX reveal!

2018-07-03 10:30:56By Team Zavvi

May ZBOX Revealed: Detectives


May ZBOX Revealed: Detectives

We lift the lid on the May ZBOX - DETECTIVES! Do you think you're ready to crack the case?

2018-05-29 15:09:56By Team Zavvi

April ZBOX Revealed: BATTLE


April ZBOX Revealed: BATTLE

Take a look at what we packed into this month's hard-hitting epic of a box. The April ZBOX is all about your favourite fighting franchises...it's time for a BATTLE!

2018-04-16 15:23:18By Team Zavvi

February ZBOX Revealed: WARRIORS


February ZBOX Revealed: WARRIORS

In this month's ZBOX we got down and dirty with some real hard-hitting franchises with our February theme - WARRIORS!

2018-02-28 14:58:42By Team Zavvi

Zavvi Collector’s Coins: Coin Collecting 101


Zavvi Collector’s Coins: Coin Collecting 101

Are you a budding numismatist? We unpack the world of coin collecting and why your collectible coins could be worth saving!

2018-01-30 15:53:34By Team Zavvi

January ZBOX Revealed: POWER UP


January ZBOX Revealed: POWER UP

It's time to POWER UP with January's ZBOX!

2018-01-22 14:14:56By Team Zavvi

December ZBOX Revealed: Galaxy


December ZBOX Revealed: Galaxy

Take a trip to a galaxy far, far away with Decembers ZBOX theme - GALAXY!

2018-01-08 17:02:09By Team Zavvi

November ZBOX Revealed: Classics


November ZBOX Revealed: Classics

November was all about the classics for our ZBOX fans! Check out everything you could have got in the Classics ZBOX.

2018-01-08 16:37:12By Team Zavvi